Golden Harvest is the most innovative corn in the market place.  With an unmatched combination of breakout genetics and breakthrough traits, Golden Harvest corn hybrids boast more yield than DuPont Pioneer and better preforming traits than DeKalb.  Golden Harvest corn from Syngenta has had the fastest overall rate of genetic gain in portfolio in the past seven years.  With new genetic combinations from a broader pool and better science, the surge of brand new genetics are expected to deliver an average of 10 bushels per acre more than the past Golden Harvest portfolio. 

We've got you covered whether you are looking for GRAINor SILAGEhybrids.


​​Seed Treatments

NK soybeans have a legacy of more than 40 years as top-performing soybean varieties thanks to their genetics.  By integrating best-in-class genetics, traits and crop expertise, NK soybeans will help you break through yield barriers.

The strong genetics in NK soybeans are complemented by the latest technologies and industry-leading traits for today and tomorrow.  Clairiva Complete Beans seed treatment and glyphosate-resistant are just the beginning of NK soybeans offerings.  A strong pipeline of new technologies ensures that we will continue to have the best products and technologies for our growers.  Click​ HE​RE for more information.

Beyond breakout genetics, Syngenta is the industry leader in a number of new traits launched over a five year period - unparalleled in the industry.  These four superior traits and technologies -​​ ​Agrisure Artesian​, Agrisure Duracade​, Agrisure Viptera, and Enogen - are proven game changers for growers and the Syngenta Seed Advisors who provide them to customers.  Click HEREfor more information.

A healthy start sets the foundation for strong performance as plants grow.  Seed treatments provide protection during the critical germination and stand establishment stages when seeds and emerging seedlings are unable to protect themselves against invasive pathogens and pests.  Click HEREfor more information.

​​Feltis Soils & Crop Production, LLC

Traits and Technologies

NEXGROW Genetics (NEXGROW) gives you the flexibility you need to maximize the profit potential of each acre. Our extensive line of conventional and glyphosate-resistant alfalfa seed offers top yield potential and high forage quality.  Click HERE for more information.

Call today

​(507) 533-4489